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someone who is active in community activities and have brilliant ideas ,
Dahlan also easily accepted and respected in the community, so he also
quickly gain a place in the organization Jam'iyatul Khair , Budi Utomo ,
Syarikat Islam , and the Comite Defenders Kanjeng Prophet Muhammad . In 1912 , Ahmad Dahlan, Muhammadiyah organization set up to carry out the ideals of the Islamic renewal in the archipelago . Ahmad Dahlan wants to hold a renewal in the way of thinking and work under the guidance of Islam. He would like to invite Indonesian Muslims to return to live according to the guidance of the Quran and Al - Hadith . This society was established on November 18, 1912. Since the beginning of Dahlan has determined that Muhammadiyah is not a
political organization but a social nature and working in the field of
education . The
idea of founding Muhammadiyah by Ahmad Dahlan also get resistance ,
both from the family and from the surrounding communities . Various slander , and incitement allegations came to him repeatedly . He was accused wanted to establish a new religion that violates Islam . There kiai who accused him of false , because it is imitating the Christian Dutch and various other charges . In fact there are also people who want to kill him . However, the obstacles faced by the patient . His determination to continue the struggle for the ideals and Islamic reform in the country can overcome all these obstacles . On December 20, 1912 , Ahmad Dahlan apply to the Dutch government to obtain legal entity . The new petition was granted in 1914 , with an assessment of Government . 81 dated August 22, 1914 . The permit applies only to the area of Yogyakarta and the organization can only move in the Yogyakarta region . From the Dutch government raised concerns about the development of this organization . That is why their activities are restricted . Although
Muhammadiyah is limited , but in other areas such as Srandakan ,
Wonosari , Imogiri and other places have established branch of
Muhammadiyah . This is clearly contrary to the wishes of the Dutch East Indies government . To tackle it , then K.H. Ahmad
Dahlan around this by suggesting that outside Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah
branch wearing a different name , for example Nurul Islam in Pekalongan ,
Al - Munir in Makassar , and in Garut by the name of Ahmadiyya . While in Solo stand Amanah Tablighi gatherings Sidiq Fathonah ( SATF ), which received the leadership of Muhammadiyah branch .
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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he KH.AHMAD DAHLAN
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