we have a new story again so try to read carefully yes bro ....
If only in 1868 did not birth a baby named Mohammed Darwisy ( no literature written Darwisy name only ) , Kauman west of the North Square of Yogyakarta that arguably has no privileges other than as a settlement around the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta . History then another record , and Kauman eventually became a big name as the hometown of the birth of a National Hero of Indonesia, Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan : The originator of the birth Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah on 8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1330 AH coincides with the 18 November 1912 .Muhammad Darwisy born of two parents who are known to be pious , namely KH . Abu Bakr ( Imam Khatib Great Mosque Sultanate of Yogyakarta ) and Nyai Abu Bakr ( daughter of H. Ibrahim , Hoofd penghoeloe Yogyakarta ) . Darwisy Muhammad was the fourth child of seven brothers that five of them women , except his youngest brother . No one denies lineage as a descendant of Muhammad Darwisy twelfth of Maulana Malik Ibrahim , a great saint and foremost among the Wali Songo , and is also known as the first pioneers of the spread and development of Islam in Java ( Kutojo and Safwan , 1991) . Thus the chain of pedigree : Darwisy Muhammad was the son of KH Abu Bakr bin K.H. Sulaiman bin Muhammad bin Kiyai Kiyai Murtadla Ilyas bin Demat Demat Djurung Djuru Kapindo bin Djurung Djuru Sapisan Maulana Sulaiman bin Ki Ageng Gribig ( Jatinom ) Maulana Muhammad bin Fadlullah ( Prapen ) son of Maulana ' Ainul Yaqin son of Maulana Ishaq ibn Maulana Malik Ibrahim ( Jonah Regards , 1968: 6 ) .Muhammad Darwisy educated in boarding schools since childhood , and gain knowledge as well as a place of religious and Arabic . Pilgrimage when he was 15 years old ( 1883) , then continued with studying religion and Arabic in Makkah for five years . This is where he interacts with thoughts reformers in the Islamic world , such as Muhammad Abduh , al - Afghani , Rashid Rida , and Ibn Taymiyyah . Fruit thinking these Islamic leaders have great influence on the Dervish . Full of soul and thoughts encouraged by the renewing flow that would later show the same pattern of religious , namely through the Muhammadiyah , which aims to renew religious understanding ( to Islamization ) in most of the Islamic world at that time were still orthodox ( old-fashioned ) . This orthodoxy is seen cause necrosis of Islamic teachings , as well as stagnation and decadence ( retardation ) Muslims . Therefore , the static religious understanding should be changed and updated , with a movement of purification or purification of Islam by returning to the al- Quran and al - Hadith .At the age of 20 years ( 1888 ) , he returned to his village , and renamed Haji Ahmad Dahlan ( a habit of Indonesian people returning Hajj , always got a new name instead of his first name ) . Upon their return from Mecca this , he also appointed Amin Khatib in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta . In 1902-1904 , he made the hajj for the second time , followed by deepening religious knowledge to some teachers in Makkah .On his return from Mecca , he married Siti Walidah , his own cousin , the son of Kyai Haji Fadhil penghoeloe , later known as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan , a national heroic and founder Aisyiyah . From his marriage with Siti Walidah , K.H. Ahmad Dahlan got six children , namely Djohanah , Siradj Dahlan , Siti Busyro , Irfan Dahlan , Siti Aisyah , Siti Zaharah ( Kutojo and Safwan , 1991) . In addition , K.H. Ahmad Dahlan Abdullah had also married Nyai , widow of H. Abdullah. He has also been married Nyai Rum , brother Kyai Munawwir Krapyak . K.H. Ahmad Dahlan also has a son from his marriage to Ms. Aisha Nyai ( sister Ajengan penghoeloe ) Cianjur named Dandanah . He had also married with Nyai Yasin , Pakualaman Yogyakarta ( Jonah Salam , 1968: 9 ) .Ahmad Dahlan is a very careful in their daily lives . There is an advice that is written in Arabic for itself :"O Dahlan , it is in front of you there is a great danger and events that will surprise you , which you should definitely pass . Maybe you can get through it safely , but you may also be destroyed by it. O Dahlan , try to imagine you as if you are alone with God , while you face death , court , reckoning , heaven , and hell . And of all that you face it , ponder the closest to you , and leave the other (translated by Djarnawi Hadikusumo ) .