Before Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan 's death, he advised his companions
after him that Muhammadiyah leadership baton handed to Kiai Haji
Ibrahim , brother -in-law of the CRC . Dahlan . At first K.H. Ibrahim
known as great scholars are unable to bear such a heavy burden it .
However , at the urging of his friends in order to mandate the founder
of Muhammadiyah can be met , finally he can take it . Leadership in
Muhammadiyah was confirmed in March 1923 in the Annual Meeting of
Members of Muhammadiyah as Voorzitter Hoofdbestuur Moehammadijah East
Indies ( Soedja ' , 1933 : 232 ) .
K.H. Ibrahim was born in
Kauman Yogyakarta on May 7, 1874 . He was the son K.H. Fadlil
Rachmaningrat , a judge penghoeloe Sultanate of Yogyakarta at the time
of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII to OGRE ( Soedja ' . 1933 : 227 ) , and he
is the younger brother of Nyai Ahmad Dahlan .
Ibrahim married with
Siti bint Abdulrahman alias Moechidah Djojotaruno ( Soeja ' , 1933:228 )
in 1904 . His marriage with Siti Moechidah did not last long , because
she immediately summoned before God . Some time later Abraham married to
Moesinah mother , daughter ragil of KH Abdulrahman ( younger brother of
the mother Moechidah ) .
Mother Moesinah ( Nyai Ibrahim 2nd )
blessed age that is long enough to 108 years , and recently died on 9
September 1998 . According to the assessment of the friends and
relatives , Mrs. Moesinah Ibrahim is a portrait of a woman ascetic ,
patient , liked to evening prayers and fond friendship . Because of his
personality that is then Hj . Moesinah often said to be a model mother (
Sounds ' Aisyiyah . No.1/1999 : 20 ) .
Ibrahim 's childhood
passed in the care of his parents taught reviewing the Qur'an since the
age of 5 years . He also guided deepen religious knowledge by his own
brother ( older brother ) , namely KH . M. Nur . He made the hajj at
the age of 17 years , and also continued studying in Mecca for about 7-8
years . In 1902 he returned to his homeland because of his advanced age
K.H. Ibrahim, who always wore a long robe and turban known
as a great scholar and highly knowledgeable . On arrival in the country
, K.H. Ibrahim received overwhelming response from the public . Many
people flock to recite before KH Ibrahim . He includes a great scholar
of intelligent , broad -minded , very deep knowledge and respected . He
memorized ( Hafidh ) Quran and expert qira'ah ( the art of reading the
Quran ) , and fluent in Arabic . As a Javanese , he was greatly admired
by many people because of the expertise and fluency in the memorization
of the Qur'an and the Arabic language . Never was so amazed and wonder ,
when the opening speech ( khutbah al - ' arsh or now called the sermon
iftitah ) 19th Muhammadiyah Congress in Bukittinggi West Sumatra in 1939
, he delivered in fluent Arabic .