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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is kh. M Yunus anis
Kyai Haji Muhammad Yunus Anis ( Chairman 1959-1962 ) Breadth
and strength of religious knowledge , made not a few people believe
in the wisdom of Muhammad Yunus Anis figure who is often called short ,
Yunus Anis . Not least among the troops . Clear
evidence that the magnitude of the trust given TNI ( Indonesian Armed
Forces ) , the TNI crowned in 1945 as Head Yunus Anis Pusroh Indoenesia
Republican Army , or commonly known as Imam 's Army . During the task , Yunus Anis lot of mental coaching to give the soldiers . The eldest son of a family of nine brothers Haji Muhammad Anis and Siti Sauda was born in Kauman dated May 3, 1903 . Exactly as stated in the acknowledgment letter from Sriwandowo
Kekancingan side: Son Dwara Ngayogyakarta Kraton 1961 , Yunus Anis
listed as the 18th descendant of King Brawijaya V. Thus , also have the
right to hold the title of Raden . Childhood Yunus Anis much got hammered example of his father , who was none other comrade KH Ahmad Dahlan . Even the father's name is recorded in the person recht Muhammadiyah . Reading Al - Qur'am morality and education , is first and foremost a science derived from his grandfather and father . His
formal education began at the Elementary School Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
, then continued in Al - Upper School and the School of Al - Ershad ,
Batavia ( Jakarta ) which is guided by Sheikh Ahmad Syurkati , intimates
KH Ahmad Dahlan . Education received at the school bring himself to appear as a strong preacher . Graduate from formal education , Yunus Anis activate themselves as preachers appropriate religious knowledge gained . Jonah did not hesitate Anis plunge into the midst of the people
in different areas to develop the country preaching mission and at the
same time spread the Muhammadiyah movement . Over
the span of his service as a preacher , Yunus Anis ever habitation in
various areas such as in Sigli , Aceh Darussalam Nangro up to Padang
Panjang , West Sumatra . As well as never too habitation in Makassar and Alabio , South Kalimantan . In
many areas of transit and dimukiminya , Yunus Anis opened new avenues
for the development of Muhammadiyah and established many branches
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah . Big his part in developing the mission of preaching and
Muhammadiyah movement , eventually putting the figure as the Executive
Board of Muhammadiyah . Yunus Anis back to Yogyakarta as requested foster youth section Hizbul Wathan . The
task was accepted with much passion and earnest acting in fostering
youth aggressive and creative spirit bersendikan Islamic values . And , in the future is expected to be the successor gemerasi proficient , skilled , faith based firm . In
the Big Apple Htzbul Wathan opportunity in account - square north of
Yogyakarta , Yunus Anis performing uplifting to attend on horseback to
inspect the troops . Appeared on her high posture supported large , bold leadership figure and memorable . Inevitably , the impression was then circulated widely among Muhammadiyah . Additionally , Yunus Anis also known as organizer and administrator . The
talent , never drove the Batavia Branch Board of Muhammadiyah , the
more visible leadership stand up and gain the trust of a large family of
Muhammadiyah . Then in 1934-1936 and 1953-1958 , Jonah is believed to be the Secretary General Anis Muhammadiyah . Dissolution Masjumi severe implications on Muslims . Muslims barely represented in parliament ( DPR GR ) . In such conditions , the Yunus Anis then asked by various groups , including the AH Nasution , to be willing to become a member of Parliament who was drafted GR President Sukarno . Willingness
to become a member of the House GR actually invite a lot of criticism
from other Muhammadiyah figures , because Muhammadiyah realize that time
does not support the policies of President Sukarno dissolve Masjumi ,
and act authoritatively compiled MPs . However
, criticism was answered with a simple phrase : that his involvement in
the House GR is not for short-term political gain , but for the
long-term interests . Namely , representing Muslims are barely represented in the parliament . Presidential
Decree of July 5, 1959 that marked the era re-enactment of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Homeland ) , then fueled the
emergence of various political events that are not healthy . Not
a bit of maneuvering and intrigue conducted by political parties ,
especially the Communist Party of Indonesia, which is very dangerous for
the country political instability conditions at that time . In a situation like that Yunus Anis was elected as Chairman of
Muhammadiyah period 1959-1962 at the 34th congress of Muhammadiyah in
Yogyakarta . During the period of his leadership , Yunus Anis escort idea of Personality Muhammadiyah . The formulation produced by a team led by KH Faqih Usman , and will be decided in the 35th Muhammadiyah Congress in
1962 which coincides with the half-century of Muhammadiyah .
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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is kh. M Yunus anis
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