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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is Buya Haji Ahmad Rashid SultanMansur
Buya Haji Ahmad Rashid Sultan Mansur ( Chairman 1956-1959 ) part I Minang ever spawned one of the great figures of Muhammadiyah , Ahmad Rashid Sultan Mansur . Born in Maninjau , West Sumatra on Sunday night, Monday 26 Jumada al- End 1313 AH , coinciding December 15, 1895 AD . The
third child of seven children who are God's gift to his parents , Abdul
al - Kusaij Somad , a well-known scholars in Maninjau , and her mother ,
Siti Abbasid or known as Uncu Lampur . Both are leaders and religious teachers in the village of Ai Angek ( Warm Water ) , Maninjau . Ahmad Rashid obtain education and cultivation of basic religious values of both parents . In addition , for general education , he studied in Inlandshe School ( IS ) in 1902-1909 . Here he learned arithmetic , geography , geometry , and so on . After
graduating from school , he was offered for his studies in Kweekschool (
School Teacher , which is also commonly called the King's School ) on a
high hill with a scholarship and the rank guarantees the teacher after
school . However , the offer was rejected because he was more interested in
studying religion , in addition to the time he already possessed by the
spirit of the anti - colonial Dutch . Anti- colonial attitudes have had since I was young . For
him , the occupation not only is contrary to human nature but often
even attempt to block and narrow the symbols of Islam movement directly
and overtly or indirectly and hidden like to assist parties Missionary
and Christian mission in spreading the religion . Thus
, it is not surprising that in 1928 he was at the forefront in opposing
the government's efforts to follow the rules Dutch Master Ordinance ie
Islamic religious teachers banned from teaching before getting a license
to teach from the Dutch government . This
regulation is within view of Sultan Mansur will eliminate the broadcast
of religious freedom and the Dutch government will be ruled entirely by
means of scholars who do not have a life stance . The same attitude he showed when Japan sought so that the students do
not intend to obstruct the implementation of fast and prayer with a
meeting at a time before the Maghrib . Furthermore
, on the advice of his teacher , Mr. Ismail (Dr. Abu Hanifa ) he
learned to Haji Rasul (Dr. Abdul Karim Amrullah , his father Buya Hamka )
, a reformer of Islam in Minangkabau . Under
the guidance of Haji Rasul (1910-1917) he studied Tawheed , Arabic,
Kalam Science , Mantiq , Tarikh , and other Islamic sciences such as law
, Sufism , Al - Quran , tafsir , and hadith with his mustolah . In 1917 he was taken by his teacher 's son , Dr . Karim Amrullah , and mated with her eldest daughter , Fatima , sister Buya Hamka and given the title of Sultan Mansur . A year later he was sent to the Kuala Simpang teacher , Aceh to teach . After two years in Kuala Simpang (1918-1919) , he returned to Maninjau . Uprising
against the British in Egypt hamper his desire to continue his studies
at the oldest university in the world , Al-Azhar University of Cairo ,
because he is not authorized by the Dutch colonial government to leave .
Finally , he went to Pekalongan to trade and become a religion teacher for the nomads of Sumatra and other Muslims . Anxiety mind always wants change and reform Islam find a selection of activities , when he interacts with KH Ahmad Dahlan who often come to Pekalongan to bertabligh . Of interactions that ultimately he is interested to join in
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah ( 1922), and founded the Society of Nurul
Islam with the merchants of the Batang River , which has entered
Muhammadiyah Maninjau in Pekalongan . Such
interest due Muhammadiyah developed the same idea with the idea of
the reform movement that developed in West Sumatra , namely that
Muslims back to the original teachings of the Prophet Tawheed by
cleaning of rust - rust religious customs and traditions which proved to
have made Muslims backward and lagging another of the Ummah - ummah . In
addition , he found Islam in Muhammadiyah not only as a science only by
knowing and mastering the ins and outs of Islamic law in detail as in
Minangkabau , but no real effort to practice and make it grounded . He was so impressed when Muhammadiyah members after slaughtering sacrificial pray Eid al -Adha and distribute them to the poor . In
1923 , Sultan Mansur became chairman of Muhammadiyah branch Pekalongan ,
after the first chairman resigned because they could not accept the
right - left attacks from those who do not like the Muhammadiyah . He also led the Muhammadiyah branch Pekajangan , Kedung Wuni , and remained active as a teacher holding sermons and religious . When
there is a conflict between the threat and the Muhammadiyah with the
communists in the realm of Minang at the end of 1925, Sultan Mansur sent
Hoofdbestuur to lead and organize Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah began to
grow and the earth bergeliat Minangkabau . Leadership and the way he does not preach frontal and accommodating
towards the indigenous stakeholders and local leaders , so that
Muhammadiyah was well received and experienced rapid development . In 1927 with Fakhruddin , Sutan Mansur doing tabligh and develop Muhammadiyah in Medan and Aceh . Through
wisdom and his skill by approaching influential kings in the local area
or even to become a mechanic , Muhammadiyah can be established in
Kotaraja , Sigli and Lhokseumawe . In 1929 , he succeeded in establishing branches of Muhammadiyah in Banjarmasin , Kuala Kapuas , Mendawai , and Amuntai . Thus , between the years 1926-1929 , Muhammadiyah began widely known outside the island of Java . In addition to the Muhammadiyah , Sutan Mansur as well KH Ahmad Dahlan - the 1920s until the 1930s active in Syarikat Islam and very close to the HOS . Tjokroaminoto and H. Agus Salim . The exit of Syarikat Islam he is certain because he prefers
Muhammadiyah after SI take disciplinary action for members of the
organization who are also in Muhammadiyah . 19th
Muhammadiyah Congress in Minangkabau ( 14 to 26 March 1930) decided
that in each residency must exist vice consul called Hoofdbestuur
Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah . Therefore
, in 1931 Sultan Mansur confirmed as Muhammadiyah Regional Council
Minangkabau ( West Sumatra ) which includes Tapanuli and Riau which he
held until 1944 . In fact , since the entry of Japan into Indonesia , he has been
appointed by the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah became
consul for the whole of Sumatra by eliminating the Sumatra and Java .
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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is Buya Haji Ahmad Rashid SultanMansur
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