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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is ki bagu hadi kusumo
Ki Bagus Hadikusuma ( Chairman 1944-1953 )
Ki Bagus Hadikusuma Heroes
pioneering Indonesian National Independence , was born in the village
by the name of Yogyakarta Kauman R. Hidayat on 11 Rabi End 1038 Hijri . He was the third son of five siblings Ward Raden Haji Hashim , an Islamic putihan courtiers in the Sultan's Palace . Like most families of students , Ki Good start acquiring religious education from his parents and some of Kiai in Kauman . After
graduating from the ' School Ongko Loro ' ( three -year elementary
school level ) , Ki Wonokromo A study in boarding school , Yogyakarta . At boarding school he examines many books of fiqh and Sufism . In the age of 20 years married to Ki Bagus Siti Fatmah ( daughter of Raden Haji Suhud ) and earned six children . One of them is Djarnawi Hadikusumo , who later became leaders of Muhammadiyah and never become the number one in Parmusi . After Fatmah died , he married a woman named entrepreneur of Yogyakarta Mursilah . This marriage was blessed with three children . Ki Bagus then married again with Siti Fatimah ( also an entrepreneur ) after his second wife died . From this third wife he acquired five children . His school is no more than folk school ( now SD ) plus the Koran and a large boarding school . However
, thanks to the diligence and perseverance to learn the books of famous
he became pious , preachers and leaders of the ummah . He
is a great leader of Muhammadiyah Muqadimah his part in drafting the
1945 Constitution , because it includes members of the Preparatory
Committee for Indonesian independence ( PPKI ) . Good
Ki huge role in the formulation of the 1945 Muqadimah by providing a
foundation of divinity , humanity , civility , and fairness . The main ideas by providing the foundations were approved by all members PPKI . Formally,
in addition to activities sermons , once the Ki Bagus Tabligh Chief (
1922), Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee , members of Muhammadiyah
Hoofdbestuur MPM Commission ( 1926) , and Muhammadiyah Chairman (
1942-1953 ) . Basic
thoughts Ahmad Dahlan successfully formulated such that it can animate
and direct the motion of steps as well as the struggle of Muhammadiyah .
In fact , the thoughts it becomes Muqadimah Statutes Muhammadiyah . Prolegomena which is the basic ideology of Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah has inspired a number of other figures . HAMKA , for example , getting inspiration from the Prolegomena to
formulate two runways idiil Muhammadiyah , the Muhammadiyah and Matan
Matan Personality Beliefs and Ideals of Life Muhammadiyah . Ki Bagus also very productive in writing down his thoughts . His books include Islam as the State and Achlaq Leader . His
other works are Katresnan Djati Treatise ( 1935 ) , Poestaka Hadi (
1936 ) , Poestaka Islam ( 1940 ) , Poestaka Loulembah ( 1941 ) , and
Poestaka Faith ( 1954 ) . From the books of his work reflected his commitment to ethics and even Islamic law . Of these commitments , including Ki Bagus is a character who has a strong tendency for the institutionalization of Islam . for Ki Bagus , the institutionalization of Islam is very important for ideological reasons , political , and intellectual . It
appears in its efforts to strengthen the existence of Islamic law in
Indonesia when he and several other scholars involved in a committee
that is tasked with improving the religious court ( priesterraden
commisse ) . An important outcome of this commission meetings is an agreement to impose Islamic law . However,
Ki A let down by the colonial government's political stance is
supported by customary law experts who canceled all important decisions
concerning the implementation of Islamic law to then be replaced with
customary law through the establishment of Ordinance 1931. Disappointment that he said back when delivering a speech in front of the Assembly BPUKPKI .
Ki Bagus Hadikusumo as Chairman of Muhammadiyah PB is at the time
of international political upheaval , the outbreak of World War II . Although
Ki Bagus Hadikusuma expressed unwillingness as Vice Chairman of
Muhammadiyah PB when requested by Mas Mansur in the 26th Congress in
1937 in Yogyakarta , he still can not avoid fulfilling the call of duty
to be chairman of Muhammadiyah PB when Mas Mansur was forced to become a
board member of People's Power Center ( SON ) in Jakarta in 1942 . Especially in the situation under Japanese occupation , Muhammadiyah require strong and patriotic leaders . Ki Bagus Hadikusumo dare go against the leadership of the Dai Nippon
army notorious and cruel , to instruct and Muhammadiyah Muslims worship
ceremony each morning in honor of the Sun God . Ki Bagus Hadikusumo become Chairman of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah
for 11 years ( 1942-1953 ) and died at the age of 64 years . Indonesian government designated it a National Hero of Indonesia Independence Pioneers .
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inspirational leaders of muhammadiyah past authoritative and mannered he is ki bagu hadi kusumo
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