Isaac Newton, scientists and most most influential figures who have lived in the world
Was born in Woolsthrope, England, on the very day Christmas Eve in 1642, to coincide with the death of Galileo. Just As Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father's death. In the time he was a kid he had shown a real skills in the field and mechanics are extremely deft use his hands. Although children with brain, in schools reluctant and it seems that not many attracted the attention. When tread akil baliq, his mother put him out of school with the hope that his son would be a good farmers. Fortunately the mother can be persuaded that major talent lies not in there. In his days eighteen he check-in Cambridge University. This is the place Where Newton in lightning absorb what became known to science and mathematics and rapidly began to carry out an investigation into itself. Between age twenty-one and twenty-seven years he has laid the foundations of the theory of knowledge which in turn and then to change the world.
Mid-17th-century period is seedbed of scientific knowledge. The discovery telescope stars near the beginning the century break all the knowledge astronomy. British philosopher Francis Bacon and French philosopher Rene Descartes both cried out to scientists so that it no longer all over Europe rely on power Aristotle, but did an experiment and research on the basis starting point and the necessity. What has been put forward by Bacon and Descartes, has been practiced by the great Galileo. Use binoculars stars, new discoveries to or astronomy by Newton has merevolusionerkan investigations into this field, and that he did in the sector mechanics has produced what is now well-known with the term of "Newton's Laws of motion" the first.
Scientists than others, such as William Harvey, the inventor circumstances blood circulation and Johannes Kepler inventor governance movement planet-planet around the sun, offered information that is essential for the scholars. However, science is still a pure indulgence of the intellectuals, and still could not be proven -when used in the technology- that knowledge will be able to change the pattern of human life as foretold by Francis Bacon.
Although Copernicus with and Galileo has been kick to the edge some assumptions digress knowledge about ancient and has presents a better understanding of the universe straightened, but there was no one ideas that terumuskan carefully who are able to deflect pile understanding that mediocre and unfounded saying it in a theory that make it possible for developing these prophecies that more scientific. Is None other than Isaac Newton is his men who are willing to fill the theory that was summed up neatly and laid the foundation stone science modern, now has so adherence.
Newton reluctant itself is quite publish and announced the discovery of his discovery. The very basis has been compiled long before in 1669 but many theories new theory known to the public for years later. The first Publishing his discovery is related to penjungkir-balikan notion for a long time about the things they were protesting light. The experiments did not stop In carefully, Newton discovered the fact that what is often called the "white light" is actually is none other than a mixture all colors that are contained in the rainbow. And he was also very carefully analysis about the consequences of the law ricochet and refraction of light. Keep the law was he -at the end of 1668- design and at the same time to build glass reflections At first, the model telescope that is used by most investigators kemintang-star this time. This discovery, together with the results of which he had acquired in the field testing optical that has been diperagakannya, presented by him to a researcher of the British when he was twenty-nine years.Newton's success in optical maybe is enough to sit in the order Newton's list this book. Meanwhile, there are still the discoveries less important in the field of mathematics pure and in the field mechanics. The offering its biggest in field of mathematics is his discovery of the "calculus of integrals" that may be' she brake when he was twenty-three or four and twenty years. This discovery is the most important thing in the field of mathematics modern. Not only are like seeds from which to grow theory mathematics modern, but also furniture inevitable that without his discovery, modern scientific progress comes after this would have been impossible. Even though Newton did not do anything, the discovery "an integral calculus" it alone is enough to grabbed the household was on the list the order this book.
But the discoveries Newton the most important thing is in the field mechanics, knowledge about bergeraknya thing. Galileo is the first inventor law which depicts a motion object if not influenced by outside forces. Of course, basically, all objects were influenced by outside forces and the problem is the most important in mechanical circumstances is how object in that situation. This problem was solved by Newton in the law became narrower second, and his fame and can be considered to be classical physics, as the law. On the second (matcmatik described dcngan similarities F = m. a) specifies that acceleration object is the same style outflow was divided into the mass objects. The two law Newton added to the third famed about movement (stressed that in every action, such as physical strength, there is a reaction that is identical to that contradicts) and the most famous his discovery of scientific method law gravity universal. The four devices this law, if combined, will form a unity system that is applied to all macro system mechanics, ranging from pergoyangan until the pendulum motion planet-planet in its orbit around the sun that can his movements were monitored and cannot be predicted. Newton not only established the laws mechanics, but he is also using a mathematical calculus, and shows that these formulas fundamentals can be utilized to solving problems.
Newton's Laws can and has been used in large-scale scientific term and fields design various technical instruments. In all, during her lifetime, pemraktekan the most dramatic is in astronomy. In this sector Newton stood before. In 1678 Newton published his book that shattered The Principles of the mathematics of natural philosophy (usually summarised Principia). In that book Newton put forward his theory of personal style and hard about laws of motion. He shows how the laws can be utilized to a precise planets the movements of the planet around the sun. Main issue carriage astronomy is how the position that are appropriate and movement stars and planets kemintang and planet, and as such ill-fated fully by Newton with only once sambar (. Most of his works As the Newton often considered a astronomer largest from all the greatest.

What our judgment against the importance scientific elements first Newton? When we open-open encyclopedia of science index, we will come across very purpose related to Newton with these laws and the discovery of his discovery two or three times more than the amount they were protesting scientists, who is any. The great scholars who were completely Leibniz is not near Newton even had been involved in a quarrel intense: "Of all the things that are related to mathematics from developing world until the Newton, who is to contribute best." Also praise given by great scholar France, Laplace Transform: "The Book Principia Newton much above all products man genius who was in the world." And Langrange frequently declared that Newton is the genius largest who ever lived. While Ernst mach in his writing in the year 1901, said, "All mathematics problems that have been solved since her time is the basis of the development mechanics is based on the laws Newton." This is probably the discovery of Newton, most complicated: He has found a separation between facts and the law, to be able to describe some miracle but not much help to make allegations; he bequeathed to us series of unity laws that can be utilized for physics problems in the scope secret vast and contain a possible to make allegations in the right direction.
In a description that this may, is it is impossible to explain in detail the discoveries Newton. As a result, many works that had to be a bit less popular aside even though meaning important discoveries in the field in terms in the problem itself. Newton had also contribute in thermodinamika (an investigation about heat) and in the field acoustic (knowledge about suara). And he did that presents a clear as crystal the principles of the physics of the "conservation" number of movement so that it will not be lost as well as "conservation" number of movement is angular. Queue this discovery if they want to be prolonged, Newtonlah who found the argument binomial in mathematics is logically and can be accounted for. Want to added again? He also, it is not another does not not, the first to express their will to convince they were protesting the primary forming the stars.
Now the matter like this: put Newton, scientists, who most thumbs up from all scientists who have lived in the earth. Most sheen like emerald in the midst a pile times. Put it. But, it can be that there are people who have questioned the reason that put Newton on a gang politicians giants like Alexander the Great or George Wasington, and so-called first rather than leading figures of great religions such as Prophet Jesus or Buddha Gautama Buddha. Why must be so?
Directors I like this. It is true political changes that is essential if it is not very important. Despite all this, however, in general man traditional slash largest life almost does not much difference between them in the five hundred years after Alexander died with them in the five hundred before Alexander emerged from his mother's womb. In other words, how people live in the year 1500 Anno Domini pretty much like the way of life fixed son son fixed fixed them in the year 1500 BCE. Now, look westwards where from the perspective of the development of knowledge. In the last five centuries, thanks to modern scientific discoveries, the way people's lives day-to-day has already experienced great revolution. How differenly, how to eat different, ways of working and variations different. Even, our way of life relaxed take it easy has the same have no resemblance to what did the era of 1500 Anno Domini. Scientific findings not only have been merevolusionerkan technology and economy, but it has also changed total politically, the thinking religious, art and philosophy. It is very langkalah aspects human life that is still "squat in a place" does not budge span with the revolution scientific. The reason this -once again, this reason- which is why so many scientists and inventor new ideas are included in this book list. Newton is not simply that most intelligent brain among the smart brain, but also he figures of the most influential in the development of the theory knowledge. That is why he gets honor to sit in the sequence of the many top almost all people, most influential in the history of mankind. Newton his demise last year 1727, was buried at Westminster Abbey, a scientist who is the first honor that kind.