Diving and snorkling very suitable for tourists
Jakarta-in addition to The thousands, Karimunjawa, but there are other places onIndonesia's favorite snorkeling, like 5 places here. While diving, find a friend, the sea may not be to another.
Rubiah Island, Aceh
Sabang in Aceh is known as one of the underwater paradise in Indonesia. Among the many points of interest in Sabang, the most interesting is the Rubiah island.Rubiah island is always crowded with tourists, especially those who want to delve into the underwater beauty.
The light, the island was inhabited by a variety of fish and coral reefs. No need todive too deep if you want to see beautiful Nuns. Because it has crystal clear waterof the sea, a tourist Snorkeling would be able to see the beauty beneath the seanot far from the beach.
The Island Of Raja Ampat, West Papua
no need to ask, the Raja Ampat Islands, which are famous for their natural beautybeautifully at the bottom of the sea. Almost all over the world have already knew that the island was still so we wake up, complete with a variety of sea life water.
To be able to see the Raja Ampat Island is not difficult. There are many beautifulplaces of diving which can is tested. One is that there is in Waiwo. Do not believe?Immediately put Your mask, fins, snorkel and fins wear bathing suits your pond.Discover the underwater wonders Raja Ampat Islands there.
Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan
In addition to the Raja Ampat Islands, also known as favorite locations inIndonesia snokeling will Derawan island. East Kalimantan island is more famous for its recognition of many a traveler who had been diving on Alor.
According to them, a lot of interesting places in Derawan coral reefs is stillbeautiful and funny fish of different colors and shapes. It is not only that, theDerawan Islands also have a Lake occupied by jellyfish stings, which are not onSangalaki. There are apparently so many people's dreams.
Wakatobi, South East Sulawesi
by many tourists, Wakatobi Whether calls are known as ' Kingdom beneath the sea '. New light, a bit of a dive or snorkel, travelers were greeted by live reef fishand a beautiful variety.
Like other places, has a favorite spot Wakatobi is considered the most fun for snorkeling, island of Tomia. The island has two points of diving which ensures on the ground, i.e. Marimabuk and eel Valley.
Bunaken, North Sulawesi
Before he found many points of Diving Bunaken, being the first at the track againin Indonesia. Marine Park in North Sulawesi long ago is still inhabited by marine life which is very beautiful and eye medications.
One of the life, and can be found is the Napoleon fish. It is believed that these fish can bring good luck and longevity of people who see them. No lessinteresting, has a wide variety of Coral reefs, which can be divided according to its shape. There is a reef ' leaves ', there are coral reefs ' brain ', and many others.