1 . Ir . Sukarno
Sukarno was Indonesia's independence proclaimer .
He was the first president of the Republic of Indonesia . As president , he was very instrumental in the struggle for Indonesian independence .
He was arrested and exiled to Bangka island when the Dutch military aggression on the date of December 19, 1948 .
Before he was arrested has sent a mandate to the Minister of Welfare Syafrudin Prawiranegara located in Sumatra to establish and lead the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia ( Emergency Government ) . Summary 5 leading figure in Indonesia
2 . Drs . Mohammad Hatta
Drs . Mohammad Hatta was Proclaimer of Indonesian Independence .
He led the early formation of cabinet in the country of Indonesia .
He is known as a reliable Indonesian delegation . On August 23 to November 2 , 1949, he led the Indonesian delegation to the Round Table Conference ( RTC ) in The Hague , Netherlands . The results are very satisfactory KMB Indonesian nation . Netherlands finally recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia . 5 Summary of the leading figures in Indonesia
3 . General Sudirman
GENERAL SUDIRMAN As a commander he first TKR , Division V Banyumas , Sudirman Battle Ambarawa lead and managed to repel the British troops . On December 18, 1945 , Sudirman be appointed by the Commander of TKR with the rank of general . Sudirman still leading the guerrilla war even though he was in a state of sakit.Ringkasan 5 leading figure in Indonesia
4 . Bung Tomo
Sutomo or Bung Tomo was born in Surabaya . At the time of the movement he worked at Voice Newspapers General and became editor of the weekly People's Defender . He founded and led the rebellion Barisan Rakyat Indonesia . He rekindle the spirit of the people of Surabaya in the war on the Allied forces on November 10 1945.Ringkasan 5 leading figure in Indonesia
5 . Hamengkubuwono IX
Hamengkubuwono IX As a nobleman , he fought mingle with the commoners . Lane is an Indonesian diplomatic hero . He is a member of the Indonesian delegation in talks Rum - Royen , held in Jakarta on May 2 5 1949.Ringkasan leading figure in Indonesia.