sob before right part of the well, the second part of her she let us look together ....the history
Mas Mansur also produced many weighty writings . The thoughts
renewal contained in the mass media . Magazine that was first published
called Voice Students . Students used the word as a title, because at
that time said students greatly favored by the people . Therefore ,
Rasta Voice magazine gets a resounding success . Magazine Jinem a second
magazine ever published by Mas Mansur . The magazine is published twice
a month by using the Java language with Arabic letters ( pegon ) . Both
the magazine is a means to pour his thoughts and invites the youth to
train express thoughts in writing . Through the magazine , Mas Mansur
invited the Muslims to abandon idolatry and orthodoxy . In addition ,
Mas Mansur had been a magazine editor Dude We're in Surabaya .
Mas Mansur writings ever published in the magazine and magazine
release Kentungan in Surabaya ; advocates and Islamic Moving in
Yogyakarta ; Panji Islam and Society Guidelines on Fair in Medan and
Solo. In addition through magazines , Mas Mansur also wrote his ideas in
book form , among others, Hadith Nabawiyah ; Terms Syahnya marriage ;
Proceedings of Tawheed and Shirk , and al - Adab wa al - Munadlarah
Bahts .
Besides being active in the field of writing , he is also
active in the organization , although time-consuming activities of the
organization in the world of journalism . In 1921 , Mas Mansur enter
Muhammadiyah organization . Activity Mas Mansur in Muhammadiyah bring
fresh air and strengthen the presence of Muhammadiyah as an
organizational renewal . Steps that through Mas Mansur always climbed
steadily . This is evident from the level path, ie, after the Branch
Chairman of Muhammadiyah Surabaya , then became Consul Muhammadiyah East
Java . The highlight of the ladder is when Mas Mansur became Chairman
of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah in 1937-1943 . Mas Mansur
confirmed as Chairman of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah
Muhammadiyah Congress to - 26 in Yogyakarta in October 1937 .
Many things worth noting before Mas Mansur was elected as Chairman of
the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah . Atmosphere while it is growing
dissatisfaction with the policies of the younger generation Muhammadiyah
Central Board of Muhammadiyah who are obsessed with education , only
deal with the issue of Muhammadiyah schools , but forget about sermons
field ( broadcasting Islam ) . Younger generation Muhammadiyah Central
Board of Muhammadiyah found only controlled by three old characters ,
namely KH Hisham ( Chairman of the Board of ) , K.H. Mukhtar ( Vice
Chairman ) , and K.H. Syuja ' as Chairman of the ODA Courant ( Helper
Misery Oemoem ) .
The situation gets critical when the 26th
Congress of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta in 1937 , Muhammadiyah Twigs give
more voice to the old three figures . Muhammadiyah youth groups in the
neighborhood getting disappointed . However, after the dialogue , the
three characters have resigned sincere .
After they retreated
through deliberation , Good Ki Hadikusumo proposed to become Chairman
of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah , but he is refused . Kiai Hadjid
also refused when he was contacted to be the Chairman of the Executive
Board of Muhammadiyah . Attention is directed to the Mas Mansur (
Council of Regional Surabaya Muhammadiyah ) . Mas Mansur resisted at
first , but after a long dialogue he is willing to be the Chairman of
the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah .
Shift in the leadership of
the group to the group of young parents in the Executive Board of
Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah showed that the time was very accommodating
and the democratic aspirations of young people for the advancement of
progressive Muhammadiyah , not in the interests of the individual . Even
in the period of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah Mas Mansur also
dominated by the younger generation Muhammadiyah intelligent , agile ,
and progressive .
As Chairman of the Executive Board of
Muhammadiyah , Mas Mansur act of discipline in the organization .
Sessions of the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah always held on time .
Likewise, the Muhammadiyah guests from those areas . Different from the
previous Executive Board of Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah often resolve
problems in their homes , Mas Mansur always stressed that such habits
are not good for the discipline of the organization , because the
Executive Board of Muhammadiyah has had his own office and all its
employees and equipment. But he remains willing to accept silaturrahmi
guests Muhammadiyah of the areas in the house for matters not related to
the Muhammadiyah .
His leadership was marked by a new policy
called Step Muhammadiyah 1938-1949 . There are twelve steps was begun .
Mas Mansur too much to make a breakthrough in Islamic law and politics
Muslims at that time . Which should also be noted , Mas Mansur did not
hesitate to draw conclusions about the bank law , which is forbidden ,
but allowed , facilitated , and condoned, during the state insisted on
it . He argues that bank interest is legally forbidden , but he saw that
Muslims economy in very poor condition , while the banking economy when
it has become a powerful system in the community . Therefore , if
Muslims do not utilize the banking world for a while, then the economic
condition of Muslims will fall drastically . Thus , under conditions of
compulsion is permitted to take advantage of banks to improve the
economic condition of Muslims .
Muslims in the political world at
that time , Mas Mansur much struck . Before becoming chairman of
Muhammadiyah PB , Mas Mansur is already heavily involved in the
political activities of Muslims . After becoming chairman of
Muhammadiyah PB , he started doing a fairly successful political
breakthrough for the Islamic Ummah by initiating the establishment of
the Islamic Council of A'la Indonesia ( MIAI ) with KH Ahmad Dahlan and
K.H. Wahab Hasbullah both of Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU ) . He also initiated
the establishment of the Islamic Party of Indonesia ( PII ) with Dr. .
Sukiman Wiryasanjaya as balancing over the non- cooperative attitude of
the Party Syarikat Islam Indonesia ( PSII ) . Similarly, when the
Japanese power in Indonesia , Mas Mansur was one of four national figure
is calculated , which is known as the four series , namely Soekarno ,
Mohammad Hatta , Ki Hajar Dewantara , and Mas Mansur .
Involvement in four series necessitated moved to Jakarta , so the post
of chairman of Muhammadiyah PB submitted to Good Ki Hadikusumo . However
, the Japanese government atrocities against the people of Indonesia
extraordinary causes not stand in the activity of the four series , so
he decided to go back to Surabaya , and position in the four series was
replaced by Ki Good Hadikusumo .
When the war of independence
, Mas Mansur has not recovered completely from the illness . However ,
he still fought provide encouragement to the youth ranks to oppose the
arrival of the Netherlands ( NICA ) . Finally , he was arrested and
imprisoned by the NICA troops in Surabaya . In the midst of the raging
war of independence that , Mas Mansur died in custody on April 25, 1946.
His body was buried in Gipo Surabaya .
For his services , the Government of Indonesia , he was appointed as a National Hero with H. Fakhruddin .