Shodaqoh in Islam, this practice is separate ever Shodaqoh in our lives as Muslims in the world is done by both the Caliph's servant on Earth Not only is provision of Shodaqoh something against other people, but also smiling, getting rid of shodaqoh: anything that impedes another person in any way which reconciled, shodaqoh between two people at loggerheads, a step towards prayer, as well as other practices also shodaqoh.
God says in the Quran Surat Al-An'aam QS 160, "whoever brings him good then the charity tenfold reward he will receive, and he who brings evil deeds that he did not received but balanced with his crime, they are not a little persecuted (harmed)".
Therefore his shodaqoh how important in our lives, when the companions of the Prophet, Ali bin Abi Talib also portrayed herself in a story here:
A when Fatima, the wife of Ali's best friend, r. a., disease. the companion Ali r. a. said, ' o my wife in a State of pain like this, what do you want food? "answered his wife."My husband and I would love to eat pomegranates! "
Then Ali ra thought for a moment, what to do at that time. He has no money. Then he got up and went to the market. He borrowed the money one Dirham for one of your friends, and then buy him a pomegranate. on the way home she meets suffers pain, lying on the roadside, as people wasted from his family.
See it Ali ra stopped its journey and approached the man and asked: "Hi kisanak what do you do with it?"The man replied, ' o Ali ra, have five days I'm lying, here as people wasted. Nobody comes in this way let my fate.O Ali, if you please give me a pomegranate! "
Pomegranates are among the wives of the sick and the elderly who are in need of one side could make a helping Ali plays the brain.The raging question in mind. "I just have a pomegranate, a pomegranate, if I give to my wife's parents and is not if but how do I give it to this guy Fattimah that I had violated the word of God Almighty, which reads" and against the poor is not rebuked him "(QS: ad-Duha: 10).In addition to the Prophet also said: "If you refuse a person who likes to ask, even if you are at the top of the vehicle".
After that, there emerged a new idea in the mind of Ali ra, which divides into two parts.The portion given to beggars who suffer pain and that some were given to his wife. Therefore accept the pauper, immediately take the pomegranate with lahapnya.And instantly he recovered his health seems to be also.
Then with a sense of shame, Ali ra sends home half a pomegranate stay to itri.So to see the return of the husband rushed to greet him with a cheerful Fatimah and said, "my husband why you seem to be glum? Know my husband shortly after the departure of mu, I healed from the pain of Pomegranate and don't want more.For the sake of the Almighty God, I beg You don't have to be sad! ".Then Ali ra also feel happy for his wife's statement.
Just sit next to Fatima Ali suddenly sound door on tap.Then he answered: "who are you?"for people who are knocking on the door "I, Salman the Persian, open the door!"then he opened the door for guests, and stood to greet him.
It turns out Al-Saman, the Pharisees brought the dessert tray with a piece of cloth.After inserting the tray immediately put Salman before she asked Ali. "Hi Salman, from where does this tray?"Salman says: "from God that gave to his Messenger, and then from Prophet bestowed upon you!."Ali then unscrew the tray, which contains nine grains of Pomegranate. He asked Salman: Hi, again, if this is really for me, definitely not his nine of ten. because God himself said: "whoever charity then he gets ten times" (QS.Al-An'aam: 160)
Then Salman blushed while removing the pomegranates from the sleeves, and then put it on the tray and said: "o Messenger of God, to the son-in-law of the pomegranate is a fruit that add up to ten but I want to test your intelligence!".
Source: the book of Hadith class VIII
Therefore, we as a people who embrace islam should race in doing real shodaqoh shodaqoh nearer our souls to God Almighty.