Warlord islam Prophet Muhammad called Khalid Bin walid, the authoritative Islamic heroes and daredevils ,Before the Muslim name of Khalid bin Walid is very popular as a commander in the Army Of Quraish Infidels. His shirt berkancingkan bertahtahkan her head Crown of gold and diamonds. So dashing and perkasanya Khalid either on the battlefield or of experts in drawing up the strategy of war. At the time of the battle of UHUD and the Muslims led by Rosululloh SAW many a Martyr killed in the hands of Suhada Khalid Ibn Walid with his loud voice over rolling hills of Khalid bin Walid said: "o Muhammad, we've won, we've lost this war. ... take a look at pamanmu Hamzah killed his body torn to shreds and see your officers that have ravaged". Rosululloh Muhammad replied "No I won and you lost Khalid ...Those who died are Martyrs, in fact they are not dead: o Khalid hidupdisisi Alloh SWT their full glory and pleasure, they had succeeded in moving the world towards nature from the hereafter into heaven Alloh because defending Religion Alloh fall as martyrs but the demise of forth, the demise of as Heathen and put into Hell. After that, Khalid ordered his troops to return, since it will always ringing pensive Khalid said said Prophet Muhammad and the curious will be the figure of Muhammad. Khalid then sent spies (intel) to monitor and observe the activity of Muhammad after the battle of Uhud. After quite a while of spying Rosululloh Khalid bin Walid Envoy finally reported the observations, the Envoy said "I heard fighting spirit expressed to his Prophet Muhammad said" I wonder to a commander in Chief khalid Ibn Walid who are brave and smart, but why he's not familiar with the RELIGION of ALLAH that I bring, if Khalid bin Walid to know and understand the religion that I bring He will fight with me (Muhammad), Khalid will I make rundingku the interpreter sat biting next to me. The pearls are delivered Word spy Khalid bin walid in Mecca to his commander.
Hear reports that Intel makes increasingly Troubled Khalid bin Walid Khalid decided to finally to meet with Muhammad in disguise and using a mask covering his face and not recognize by siapapapun. Khalid set off alone on horseback and using a kebesarnnya shirt decorated with gold and diamond Crown enthroned but his face covered with a mask. On the way met with Khalid Bilal was being bedakwah to farmers. By secretly listening and paying attention to what Khalid's pass by Bilal who recited surat al-hujarat (49: 13 Qs) meaning "o man we created you from a male and a female, and made you a nation, peoples and bersuku tribes that ye may know each other well. Verily, the most honorable among you on the side of Allah are those which most pious because actually know Alloh the most Ignorant "again
Khalid terperanga how could I know that Bilal as slaves black and blind hurup could speak as a beautiful and as powerful as it is certainly true that the word and the word of Allah. But the rising motion of Khalid bin walid in suspicious know sayyidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Ali said aloud "Hi riders open the topengmu so I can know you, when niatmu good I will serve with baiki niatmu bad and when it is I will serve well as bad," Said Ali bin Abi Talib.
paragraph 2
After that there appeared the face Mask AirAsia opened Khalid bin Walid, a commander of the Pagan quraish berjaya diperang UHUD with a gaze full of charismatic Khalid said "I here have good intentions to meet Muhammad and declaring myself a Muslim," Said Khalid bin Walid. Ali's face which had strained turned into a beaming "Wait you here I'll tell Khalid happy news to Rosululloh saw" said Ali Abi Talib bi. Ali hurried to meet Rosululloh saw and conveys the arrival of Khalid Ibn Walid the Commander in the war. Hear news presented Ali, PEACE BE UPON HIM rosululloh face series series and then take his green turban and then laid on the ground as a sign of homage to Khalid bin walid to come meet him. Then Rosululloh saw told Ali Khalid pick up to meet him. So Khalid came Rosululloh immediately embraced him. "Yes my rosululloh of islam" says Khalid bin Walid. Then Rosululloh saw teach sentences creed to Khalid bin walid Khalid was then converted to Islam.
Once finished reading the creed of Khalid bin walid take off her Crown the bertahtahkan diamond submitted to rosululloh, as well as with sky-blue berkancingkan gold pass also to rosululloh saw. However Khalid bin walid to remove his sword and handed it to Rosululloh, Rosululloh the King forbade him, "don't you let go of the sword was Khalid, because with the sword that later you will fight defending the religion of Allah is with me" says Rosululloh saw. and the Prophet gave her the sword with the name "Syaifulloh meaning" sword of Allah that is drawn. After the arrival of Khalid bin walid to Islam, Muslim forces to increase kuatlah could conquer the city of Mecca and the Infidels Quraiys drastically weakened as the chicken loses its mother......