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This is the biography of Prof. Dr. H. Amien Rais (1995-2000) part II, Chairman of the muhammadiyah Center.
part II
"I used to commanding the good educated mothers . According to him , commanding the good carry no risk . People who did not agree was not angry . But , carry many risks nahi unjust , " nan gugahnya understated . Yeast
political process continues to rot and weaken the joints of the
nation's economy in the second decade of the 1990s , pushing Rais
rolling back the idea of succession , even with greater insistence :
Total Reformation . Starting
from the case of Freeport and Busang , Amien Rais deliberately
meggerbah lethargy fundamental social change in this country . In fact , the idea and the movement is in the vanguard in breaking down the front of the New Order political depravity . Since the beginning of reformasi, Amien Rais has been declared " ready " to run for president . This is a statement that is considered to be very brave at the time although he admitted himself merely political education . But
the discourse of his candidacy for president , not merely driven the
desire for power but high politics mirror his attitude that consistently
encourages efforts to alleviate the suffering of the people due to the
distortion of national leadership is authoritarian and corrupt . Amien Rais see this nation should be fixed slump ranging from power . Rais involvement in Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Congress started since 1985 in Surakarta as Chief Tabligh . At the Muhammadiyah Congress to - 42 ( 1990 ) in Yogyakarta , Amien Rais was elected as Chairman of the Muhammadiyah . The death K.H. Azhar Bashir Ahmad as Chairman of Muhammadiyah in 1994 and then oust the Intrepid is the peak position . Muhammadiyah Congress to - 43 in 1995 in Banda Aceh finally
unanimously requesting their willingness to resume the reins of skipper
Muhammadiyah . Can
be said , activities bermuhammadiyah Rais never be separated from the
view of concern over national political life which he needs to be
reformed in order to avoid further deterioration in the nation . After
the fall of the New Order regime of Suharto's resignation as president
for 32 years , the political situation lasts gripping and very
disturbing . Then
with the various other components of national leader Amien Rais
Commission established the People's Assembly ( MARA ) to find the best
solution after the reform . There
is little that has been abysmal mengaggap if Amien Rais had to stop
only there, at the urging of the various components of the nation who
want a change of political paradigm Indonesia , Amien Rais then founded a
political party called the National Mandate Party ( PAN ) . As a consequence of the political step , Amien Rais had to relinquish the top spot in Muhammadiyah . " Muhammadiyah is my eternal home , " he can not evade compassion . Rais gait during the beginning until now mamainkan role in the national political stage is quite phenomenal . National
Mandate Party who later skippered his own work quite brilliantly in the
first time following the 1999 elections , where the party bearing the
sun was able to make 7 % of the vote and puts its position at No. 5 in
the national vote the entire party contestants .
The position , also managed to deliver Amien Rais as Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly ( MPR ) .
In the topmost position of the country's highest institutions , Amien Rais became king maker regulation of national democracy . Even
with the expertise and political acumen , Amien Rais Central Axis
generate ideas to build a new road from the two extreme points in the
political camps tend to apply a zero some game because the ice tripped
political relationship , until then successfully run , escort and
transport and Abdurrahman Wahid to power seats 4th President of Indonesia . And
it turns out , the idea that the Central Axis is also able to give
effect to attempt to knit harmonious relationship previously NU -
Muhammadiyah bersebrangan often tense in the choice of instruments and
movement preaching . Although it was not long harmonious relationship sowing , because the
political process thereafter takes place outside the expected , where
the president of the 4th Republic of Indonesia which was another central
figure NU was eventually ousted constitutionally by MPR which
incidentally still dikomandanu Amien Rais . Although
Amin Rais himself had won the presidency in the 5th RI Presidential
election contestation was first held directly ( 2004 ) , but the
achievements of the nation's political history Indeonsia terpungkiri not
as a father figure and at the same time the nation's political pillars
representing the five special report card grades era politician reform : Ikhlas , intelligent , decisive , honest and clean . Now, ahead of old age and appeared to start entering the elderly , Amin Rais is still fresh sumringah active in Muhammadiyah .
Title :
This is the biography of Prof. Dr. H. Amien Rais (1995-2000) part II, Chairman of the muhammadiyah Center.
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