we have a new story again so try to read carefully yes bro ....KH Mas Mansyur was very interested figures
Muhammadiyah Surabaya branch was established , KH Ahmad Dahlan had
frequent sermons to this area . - Tabligh Tabligh was implemented in the
form of lectures held in Peneleh , Surabaya . In the study groups that
Bung Karno and Ruslan Abdul Gani young young , for the first time to
listen to an explanation of the Islamic teachings of KH Ahmad Dahlan .
implement sermons in Surabaya , K.H. Ahmad Dahlan usually spend the
night at the inn . However , one night he is visited by a guest who
asked that every KH Ahmad Dahlan to Surabaya willing to stay at home .
The visitor is Kiai Haji Mas Mansur . Mas Mansur always follow the
teachings given by KH Ahmad Dahlan , and he was very interested by the
contents of the study are given , and will also be interested in
simplicity .
Mas Mansur was born on Thursday, June 25, 1896 in
Surabaya . His mother named Raudhah , a wealthy woman who comes from a
family boarding school Sidoresmo , Wonokromo , Surabaya . His father was
K.H. Mas Ahmad Marzuqi , a pioneer of Islam , a religion which is
famous in East Java at the time. He descended from nobility Astatinggi
Sumenep , Madura . He is known as the resident priest and preacher at
the Grand Mosque Ampel Surabaya , a position valued at the time .
his childhood with his father 's own religious study . In addition , he
also studied at Pesantren Sidoresmo with Kiai Muhammad Taha as a
teacher . In 1906 , when Mas Mansur was ten years old , he was sent by
his father to Boarding School Demangan , Bangkalan , Madura . There, he
examines the Qur'an and deep into the book Alfiyah to Kiai Khalil ibn
Malik . Not long ago he was studying there , less than two years , Kiai
Khalil died , so Mas Mansur left the boarding school and return to
Surabaya .
Coming home from boarding school Demangan in 1908 , by
his parents advised to perform the pilgrimage in Mecca , and learning on
Mahfouz Kiai from Termas Boarding School , Central Java . After
approximately four years of study there , the political situation in
Saudi forcing him to move to Egypt . Saudi Arabia's ruler , Sultan
Sharif Hussein , issued instructions that foreigners must leave Makkah
so that it is not involved in the dispute . At first my father did not
allow him to Mas Mansur Egypt , because the image of Egypt ( Cairo )
when it is less good in the eyes of his father , as a place to have fun
and immoral . Nonetheless , Mas Mansur continue to implement his wishes
without the permission of his parents . Bitterness and difficulties of
life - because it does not get remittances from their parents for school
fees and the cost of life should be lived . Therefore , he often fasted
on Mondays and Thursdays and get money and food from the mosques . This
situation lasted approximately one year , and after that his parents
sent him back the funds to study in Egypt .
In Egypt , he studied
at the University of Al- Azhar on Shaykh Ahmad Maskawih . Egyptian
atmosphere at that time was at its height build and foster a spirit of
nationalism resurrection and renewal . Many leaders fostering the spirit
of the Egyptian people , either through mass media and speech . Mas
Mansur also take advantage of this condition by reading the writings are
spread in the media and listen to his speeches . He was in Egypt for
more than two years . Before returning home , he stopped first return to
Makkah for a year , and in 1915 he returned to Indonesia .
On his
return from studying in Egypt and Makkah , he married the daughter of
Haji Arif namely Siti Zakiyah who lived not far from his home . From the
result of the marriage , they were blessed with six children , namely
Nafiah , Ainurrafiq , Aminah , Muhammad Nuh , Ibrahim and Luk - luk .
Besides married to Siti Zakiyah , he was also married to Halima . He was
living with his second wife did not last long , only two years , due in
1939 Halima died .
Mas Mansur after the first step of studying
abroad is to join in Syarikat Islam .
Events that he witnessed and
experienced both in Makkah , namely political upheaval , as well as in
Egypt , namely the emergence of nationalist movements and capital
renewal is for him to spread his wings in an organization . At that time
, led by HOS SI . Tjokroaminoto , and famous as a radical and
revolutionary organizations . He is believed to be the Advisory Board of
the SI .
In addition , Mas Mansur also formed assemblies
discussions with Abdul Wahab Hasbullah Taswir named al - Afkar ( Horizon
Thought ) . The formation of this assembly was inspired by the state of
Surabaya people were shrouded in mist orthodoxy . Community invited to
forward tough , even those hard to accept the new thinking that is
different from the traditions they hold . Taswir al - Afkar is the
gathering place for scholars Surabaya which they previously held
teaching activities at home or in the mosque , respectively . The issues
discussed relate to issues that are purely religious to the political
problems of struggle against invaders .
Activities Taswir al -
Afkar it also inspired a variety of other activities in various cities ,
such as al - Wathan Nahdhah ( Rise of the country ) that focuses on
education . As a continuation Nahdhah al - Wathan , Mas Mansur and Abdul
Wahab Hasbullah set up madrassa named Khitab al - Wathan ( Pulpit
country ) , then the madrasa Ahl al - Wathan ( Family Fatherland ) in
Wonokromo , Far'u al - Wathan ( Branch Land water ) in Gresik and
Hidayah al - Wathan ( Homeland Directive ) in Jombang . If observed ,
from which the name is raised , which means that wathan homeland , it is
known that their love of country is very large . They are trying to
educate the people of Indonesia and tried to get them to liberate the
country from colonial shackles . Self-government without the
intervention of any other nation , that's what they expect .
al - Afkar is a container that discussion , inevitably they discuss
issues , problems creep in khilafiyah , ijtihad and schools . The
difference of opinion between the Mas Mansur Abdul Wahab Hasbullah about
these issues that cause Mas Mansur al - Taswir out of Afkar .